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Getting to Know Graham Rashkind

Which part of the buying/selling process excites you the most, why?

Getting a house under contract for sale. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, it is always the culmination of a lot of work. It’s an emotional moment in the process and it’s something that I really enjoy being part of with the client.

What characteristic(s) makes you a great agent?

I have an almost limitless amount of patience. I’m ready to take as much time as the client needs to feel comfortable enough to make the right decisions.

What is your favorite thing to do in Richmond?

I really enjoy the live music scene in RVA. COVID-19 has made this a tough time to take advantage of all the amazing live music venues in Richmond (The Broadberry, The Tin Pan, The National), but I’m hopeful that by the time we get back to warm weather in 2021, events like Friday Cheers and The Folk Festival will be able to host outdoor performances.

What are you typically doing when you aren’t working?

Right now, like everyone else, I’m spending a lot of time at home with my family!

How long have you been a Realtor?

I am now in my 18th year as a Realtor.

What made you want to become a real estate agent?

My grandfather was a real estate developer, so I had some exposure to the industry as a kid and found it was something that really interested me later in life. Becoming a REALTOR gave me more control over my career path and the opportunity to grow my own business.

What is your favorite thing about being a real estate agent?

Without a doubt, it’s the clients. Every client has their own, unique story. This is a business that lets you be involved on a really personal level with your clients and that always keeps things interesting.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to buy/sell a home?

It’s ok for more than one person to win a real estate negotiation. Let your Realtor help you focus on what is important to you and your family and go after that.

What is the first thing that catches your eye when you walk into a home?

Clutter. If a house feels full, messy or disorganized it catches my attention immediately. That’s usually a sign of things to come. If an owner won’t put the work into making the home look good for sale, it’s a warning that they probably haven’t maintained the home or aren’t serious about selling.

What is something your clients can expect when they work with you?

Honesty and a sense of humor. I want my clients to know that I’m going to be completely honest with them and share all my thoughts and opinions. They can use the information however they see fit. I’m also going to insist that they keep their sense of humor throughout the process. Weird things happen in our business and it’s important to remember to take a moment and laugh occasionally!

What did you do before you became a Realtor?

I worked in the Marketing Department for Virginia Credit Union. My focus was on web sites and digital marketing.

How has the pandemic changed the way you work with clients?

For the most part, Real Estate is a mobile business and lends itself to working remotely. Like every other industry, I’m limiting the unnecessary, in-person meetings and making sure we take extra precautions when we do have a face-to-face meeting. We’ve certainly discovered some ways to work more efficiently, but I’m not going to lie…there is no easy way to host an Open House during a pandemic!

To learn more about Graham Rashkind, visit his Agent Bio Page.