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Getting to Know Ken Hurst

What made you want to become a real estate agent?

I had a corporate job as a chief financial officer and commercial real estate was part of my job. That’s where I developed my initial interest in real estate. Later, my wife became a realtor at my suggestion and was very good at it. I ended up becoming a realtor thanks to a combination of those two things, her experience and mine.

What is your favorite thing about being a real estate agent?

Both the flexibility and the reward of being able to use my skills to help people.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to buy/sell a home?

Find someone you trust and follow their recommendations.

Which part of the buying/selling process excites you the most, why?

I like positioning a home for sale and then negotiating the offers.

What characteristic(s) makes you a great agent?

Analytical ability. I can create a plan that suits the situation and the client, and then act on it decisively.

What is your favorite thing to do in Richmond?

Go out and see or play live music.

What are you typically doing when you aren’t working?

Hanging out at the river. We have a house there, and a boat.

How long have you been a Realtor?

16 years.

What is the first thing that catches your eye when you walk into a home?

The level of maintenance. It shows the amount of care someone has put toward maintaining their home.

What is something your clients can expect when they work with you?

Good communication and a solid plan.

What did you do before you became a Realtor?

I was the chief financial officer for a convenience store chain.

How has the pandemic changed the way you work with clients?

It hasn’t changed much. Aside from using masks and hand sanitizer, there’s also less meeting up in a prospecting fashion.